" Unless you have found your natural inclination your life is going to be a long, long tragedy, from the cradle to the grave. The only people who have been blissful in the world are the people who have lived according to their own intuition and have rebelled against any effort by others to impose their ideas. Howsoever valuable those ideas may be, they are useless because they are not yours. The only significant idea is that which arises in you, grows in you, blossoms in you. " Osho.

Click on photo ! And be happy !

Thursday, April 2, 2009

In Memoriam Darius

Good bye, little angel.


LiaLia said...

Azi nu m-au bucurat superbele tale fotografii ... Aş vrea să am cuvinte, dar nu am decât lacrimi.

lupul alb said...

Vulpito, ce sa mai zic...Cat sunt eu de lup, a trebuit sa-mi sucesc o tigara, sa scap de jena pe care o aveam la ochi.
Cand am aflat de copilasul asta, mi-am adus aminte de o carte. Care la fel m-a mutat din loc, nu m-a miscat.
Se chiama "Inima fiului meu" de Cecilia Samarghitan. Tot despre tetralogia Fallot.Si despre Christian Barnard.Omul ala uimitor.
Bietii parinti....